Fungus gnats are often mistaken for
fruit flies, as their adult form looks very
similar to a fruit fly. Small and winged,
you’ll notice them when
you shake or move your plant, as they
will fly up from the soil. These adults
are not harmful to your plant (but they
are annoying). Their larvae, however,
live in the first two inches of soil
where it feeds mainly on dead or
decaying organic matter, although
some species can feed
on root hairs and living tender roots.
In small numbers, the larvae also
shouldn’t damage your plant,
but as their numbers increase
they can cause root damage
and contribute to plant decline.
They can also be more damaging to
cuttings and seedlings than to
established plants. They prefer moist soil,
so their presence can also be
an indicator that your plants may be
staying too moist and you should check
the roots for any root rot they may
be feeding on.